- Chocolate: The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous: Irregular heart rhythm, seizures and death
- Onions: Damage red blood cells
- Garlic: Affects red blood cells
- Nuts: Inability to walk, tremors, vomiting
- Grapes: Death from kidney failure
- Avocado: Breathing difficulties, built up of fluid in the chest
- Apple cores: Struggle to breath, seizures, coma
- Caffeine: Heart palpitations and death
- Fatty foods : Bacon or pork can cause pancreatitis
- Yeast dough: Causes large amount of gas build up causing server pain, ruptured intestinal tract or stomach.
Plants to avoid
Lilies of all kinds, Wandering Jew, Yesterday, today and tomorrow, Bulbs such as daffodil, Snow drop and Onions. There are a lot more, you may want to Google them.
- Rat bait: Causes death. Take to vet as soon as possible, take packet of poison with you, as active ingredients differ.
- Snail bait: Causes death. Take to vet as soon as possible, take packet of poison with you, as active ingredients differ.